Current Amendments

All residents of Whitehorse may provide their input into amendments to City policy and bylaws pursuant to Section 294 (1) of the Municipal Act. Interested residents may comment on proposed amendments through a verbal or written submission.

Delegates wanting to provide verbal input at a public hearing or public input session can appear in person, or call into a meeting. To do so, please notify Legislative Services by 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting at [email protected].

Please email [email protected] if you have further questions on an amendment.

The public hearing submissions posted are the work of the persons who have made the submissions. Under no circumstances should these submissions be construed or interpreted to be the opinions, positions, work or statements of Council, or any of the Council members or any of the City’s employees. Please note: submissions and presentations can be made public, or provided to the media.

Public Hearings and Public Input Sessions are held at the City Council meeting at 5:30 pm in City Hall Council Chambers on the date specified. To speak to a proposed amendment at the Public Hearing, please show up by 5:30 p.m. Written submissions are due on the day of the Public Hearing. Send written submissions to [email protected].

Listed below are all current bylaws and applications in the Council process. For more information on any of these amendments please contact 336-2097. Note that current subdivision applications are listed a separate page.

You can be notified of all proposed Zoning Bylaw and OCP amendments, and conditional use applications, through the City’s E-notifications. Simply select the ‘Planning Notifications’ option when signing up.

Proposed Amendment Proposal Reports Bylaw / Maps Status
Zoning Amendment – Whistle Bend Electrical Substation An application to amend the zoning of a 0.75 ha parcel of vacant Commissioner’s land, located south of Phase 7 of Whistle Bend, from FP – Future Planning to PU – Public Utilities, to allow for the development of a new Electrical Substation to address increasing power demands.
Admin Report
Location Map
Proposed Bylaw 2024-47
First Reading is scheduled for September 23, 2024
Zoning Amendment – Hyatt Place Hotel An application to amend the zoning of 505, 507, 509, and 511 Main Street, from CC – Core Commercial to CCx – Core Commercial (modified), to reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces.
Admin Report
Location Map
Proposed Bylaw 2024-46
Public Hearing is scheduled for November 12, 2024
Wasson Place Extension Master Plan Advancing the Wasson Place Extension Master Plan for Council approval on the design concept for an extension of the Hillcrest Industrial Area.
Admin Report
What We Heard Report
Draft Master Plan
No Public Input Submissions Received
Public Input Report
Location Map
Decision on September 23, 2024
Ice Lake Road South (ILRS) Master Plan Advancing the Ice Lake Road South Master Plan for Council approval on the design concept for a new industrial/commercial subdivision.
Admin Report
Draft Master Plan
Land Use Concept
Public Input Submissions
Public Input Report
Location Map
Decision on September 23, 2024
Zoning Amendment – Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Parcel C-9B Phase 2 An application to amend the zoning of a portion of Ta’an Kwäch’än Council (TKC) Settlement Land Parcel C-9B, from FP – Future Planning to RCS – Comprehensive Residential Single Family, to allow for residential development.
Admin Report
No Public Input Submissions Received
Public Hearing Report
Location Map
Proposed Bylaw 2024-30
Approved on September 9, 2024
Zoning Amendment – Interim Granular Resource Extraction Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to enable interim granular resource extraction as a multi-year temporary use to prepare a site for subsequent development.
Admin Report
No Public Input Submissions Received
Public Hearing Report
Proposed Bylaw 2024-33
Approved on August 12, 2024
Zoning Amendment – 13, 23, and 33 McClimon Crescent An application to amend the zoning of 13, 23, and 33 McClimon Crescent, from FN-FP – First Nation Future Planning to FN-RS – First Nation Residential Single Detached, to allow for the development of townhouses.
Admin Report
No Public Input Submissions Received
Public Hearing Report
Location Map
Proposed Bylaw 2024-34
Approved on August 12, 2024
Official Community Plan Amendment – Maximum Building Heights in Mixed – Use Downtown Core An Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to increase the maximum building height in the Mixed-Use Downtown Core designation to 40 m.
Admin Report
Supplemental Information Report
Location Map – Downtown Land Use Designations
Example Shadow Impact
Proposed Bylaw 2024-26
Alternative Proposed Bylaw 2024-26
Failed to proceed to First Reading on June 24, 2024
Zoning Amendment – 6119 6th Avenue An application to amend the zoning of 6119 6th Avenue, from CC – Core Commercial to CCx – Core Commercial (modified), to allow for a child care centre.
Admin Report
Public Input Submission
Public Hearing Report
Location Sketch
Proposed Bylaw 2024-31
Bylaw Map
Approved on July 8, 2024
Zoning Amendment – 4210 4th Avenue An application to amend the zoning of 4210 4th Avenue from CM2 – Mixed Use Commercial 2 to CM2(x) – Mixed Use Commercial 2 (modified) to ensure the redevelopment of the Municipal Service Building site includes a residential use and to increase the maximum building height to 30m.
Admin Report
Location Sketch
Proposed Bylaw 2024-25
Bylaw Map
Approved on June 24, 2024
Valleyview South Master Plan Advancing the Valleyview South Master Plan for Council approval on the design concept for a new neighbourhood.
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Input Report
Valleyview South Draft Master Plan Report – Redline Edits
Valleyview South Draft Master Plan Report – Clean
Approved on May 27, 2024
Official Community Plan Administrative Amendments Administrative Amendments to the Official Community Plan (OCP).
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Hearing Report
Redline Comparison Document (Attachment 1)
Proposed Bylaw 2024-22 (Attachment 2)
Proposed Bylaw 2024-22 (Appendix A)
Approved on August 12, 2024.
Official Community Plan Amendment – 200 Lobird Road An application to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) land use designation of a portion of 200 Lobird Road from Residential – Urban to Residential – Country to allow for the development of country residential lots.
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Hearing Report
Location Map (Attachment 1)
Comparison of Proposed versus Potential Number of Units (Attachment 2)
Proposed Bylaw 2024-20 (Attachment 3)
Bylaw Map (Attachment 3, Appendix A)
Approved on July 8, 2024.
Housing-Related Zoning Bylaw Amendments Housing-related amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to allow for a wider range of opportunities for residential development.
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Hearing Report
HLDAC Recommendations (Attachment 1)
Proposed Bylaw 2024-16 (Attachment 2)
Approved on April 22, 2024
Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw Amendments – Mining Activities An application to amend the text of the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Zoning Bylaw, to prohibit mineral exploration and extraction within city limits.
Admin Report
Proposed Text Amendments (OCP)
Proposed Text Amendments (Zoning Bylaw)
Alternative Text Amendments (Zoning Bylaw)
Active Quartz Claims Map
Mineral Exploration Process Map
Public Input Submissions
Public Hearing Report
Proposed Bylaw 2024-14
Proposed Bylaw 2024-15
Alternative Bylaw 2024-23
Defeated on April 22, 2024
Copper Ridge Development Area Master Plan Advancing the Copper Ridge Development Area Master Plan for Council approval of the residential development of Yukon Government (YG) Lots 518 and 519 and City of Whitehorse Lot 520.
Admin Report
Public Input Report
Supplemental Information Report
Supporting Studies: Heritage Resource Impact Assessment, Municipal Servicing, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Geotechnical Assessment
Public Input Submissions
Location Map
Draft Master Plan Report
Draft Master Plan Report Amended Pages
What We Heard Report
Hillcrest Area D Land Use Plan




Approved on April 22, 2024
Zoning Amendment – 2086 Second Avenue An application to amend the zoning of 2086 Second Avenue, from CM2 – Mixed Use Commercial 2 to CM2x – Mixed Use Commercial 2 (modified), to allow for the development of a building with a maximum height of 25 m.
Admin Report
No Public Input Submissions Received
Public Hearing Report
Location Sketch
Downtown Building Heights
Proposed Bylaw 2024-09
Bylaw Map
Approved on March 11, 2024
Zoning Amendment – 1302 Centennial Street An application to amend the zoning at 1302 Centennial from RS – Residential Single Detached to RMx(g) – Residential Multiple Housing (modified) to permit the development of up to 10 dwelling units.
Admin Report
Public Hearing Report
Location Sketch
Bylaw 2023-33
Bylaw Map
Approved on February 26, 2024.
Conditional Use Application – 22 Metropolit Lane An application for Conditional Use approval to allow a 136 m2 Caretaker Residence at 22 Metropolit Lane off of the south end of Hamilton Boulevard.
Admin Report
Public Input Report
Location Sketch
November 14, 2023
Zoning Amendment – 68 Mascot Street An application to amend the zoning at 68 Mascot Street, from RCS – Comprehensive Residential Single Family to RCSx – Comprehensive Residential Single Family (modified), to allow for the development of a living suite.
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Hearing Report
Location Sketch
Proposed Bylaw 2023-30
Bylaw Map
Approved on December 11, 2023.
Zoning Amendment – Range Point Joint Master Plan An application to amend the zoning of Yukon Government (YG) Lot 262-6 and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) Settlement Land Parcel C-15B and approximately 0.3 hectares of unsurveyed vacant Commissioner’s land to allow for a diverse mix of housing development.
Admin Report
No Public Input Submissions Received
Public Hearing Report
Location Sketch
Proposed Bylaw 2023-29
Bylaw Map
Proposed Zoning
Approved November 27, 2023
Range Point Joint Master Plan Advancing the Range Point Joint Master Plan for Council approval on the residential development of Yukon Government (YG) Lot 262-6 and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) Settlement Land Parcel C-15B.
Admin Report
Transportation Impact Assessment
Public Input Submissions
Public Input Report
Location Sketch
Range Point Joint Master Plan
What We Heard Report #1
What We Heard Report #2
Approved August 14, 2023.