We continue to improve cycling infrastructure along Chilkoot Way, connecting Two Mile Hill and the Riverfront multi-use pathway.
The City’s contractor, Skookum Asphalt, will be removing portions of curb and adding let-downs at both signalled intersections (Two Mile Hill and Quartz Road). This will allow active transportation users to safely transition from the bike lane to the multi-use pathways.
A permanent bus pad will also be installed on the east side of Chilkoot Way at the current bus stop.
Weather permitting, work will take place Thursday, June 6 through to Sunday, June 9.
All businesses and transit stops will be accessible during this time.
Please drive with care. Reduce speed, obey traffic controllers and construction signage.
We thank you for your patience and consideration during this construction period and apologize for any inconvenience.
For more information, please contact the City’s contractor Skookum Asphalt at 333-1723.