Action #4 of the City of Whitehorse Downtown Plan, completed in 2018, identified the need for a corridor study along 2nd Avenue to explore opportunities to increase safety, efficiency, and create a complete street for all modes while maintaining north-south vehicle capacity through the core area of the City. The Downtown Plan identified a few key improvement ideas to be explored as part of the 2nd Avenue Corridor Study including:
- increasing space dedicated to pedestrians and people with special mobility requirements along the corridor and crossing 2nd Avenue;
- improved lighting, safety, and design features at key intersections along the corridor; and
- exploring reconfigurations of existing 2nd Avenue right-of-way, potentially narrowing travel lanes.
In addition, the Downtown Plan developed a vision and guiding principles to be applied to future initiatives and policies within the downtown core. Some of the relevant policies to this study are summarized as follows:
- “Adopt a “pedestrian first” planning approach that prioritizes pedestrians but actively supports all transportation modes. Focus these efforts on the highest priority pedestrian-oriented areas of Downtown, including the riverfront and the commercial core centred on Main Street.” City of Whitehorse Downtown Plan June 2018, pg. 21
- “Provide safe, easy, and enjoyable connections between all Downtown areas and surrounding neighbourhoods and employment areas.” City of Whitehorse Downtown Plan Jun 2018, pg. 21
The City has also identified future projects along the corridor that may shift the nature of 2nd Avenue from primarily accommodating vehicle traffic to accommodating higher transit, pedestrian, and cycling demand. The City also expressed concerns regarding pedestrian crossing safety and vehicle speeds along the corridor.