Before the snow flies, residents are invited to participate in our fall clean-up on Wednesday, October 5.
Organizations and individuals are encouraged to take some time out of their day to clean-up garbage and graffiti around their homes and places of work as well as alleyways, greenbelts, or parks anywhere in Whitehorse.
Garbage bags, gloves, and graffiti remover will be available at the City Parks office in Shipyards Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
During this time, everyone is invited to join us for snacks and beverages at Shipyards Park. You can also drop off garbage and enter a draw to win one of three $200 Local Gift Cards.
As a reminder, stay safe on trails and roadways – carry bear spray when entering forested areas and wear bright clothing when cleaning along roadways. You can also report illegal dumping activity to Bylaw Services at 667-2111.
Let’s play our part to keep our neighbourhoods clean and wildlife corridors healthy!