Community Clean-up Grant
Help keep your community clean! If you’re a non-profit sport, art, recreation or neighbourhood organization, then you’re eligible for the Community Clean-up Grant.
Approved groups will be designated an area in Whitehorse to clean-up between May 1 and June 30, and will receive $300 for their efforts.
Please note: there are over 70 clean-up areas in Whitehorse and staff will try to accommodate an applicant’s requested location; however, areas will be assigned when necessary and on a first come, first serve basis. Please keep in mind that most clean-up areas are along roadways, and not on trails.
The application period opens on January 15 and closes March 15. Successful applicants will be notified by mid-April with details.
Community Clean-up Instructions to Groups:
- This program is available to any non-profit sport, art, recreation or neighborhood organization. Limit of one (1) application per organization. Eligibility is determined on a first come, first served basis.
- Parks will assign areas to groups. Groups may identify an area of preference if they choose and this area will be assigned if available. The clean-up work must be completed between May 1 and June 30.
- Locations are confined to City-owned or leased property. Locations include: parks, trail systems, road easements, or roads maintained by the City.
- The applicant is responsible for the group conducting the clean-up. The group shall consist of an adult supervisor with a vehicle. For youth groups, there must be a ratio of one (1) supervisor for every six (6) youths participating.
- Parks supplies high visibility safety vests, latex gloves, road sign(s) where applicable and garbage bags to each group. Groups will not receive payment until vests and signs are returned.
- The organizer of each group will be responsible:
- for placement of road signage where required;
- for ensuring all participants wear their safety apparel;
- for instructing all participants in the manners of conducting the work safely;
- for ensuring the designated vehicle is parked in a safe manner and is available at all times during the work. Whenever this vehicle is moved, the four-way flasher signals must be used;
- for ensuring all full garbage bags are tied and placed at one of the designated garbage drop off sites accessible to a vehicle;
- for ensuring the invoice is completed at the end of the clean-up;
- for the completed invoice, safety apparel, and that unused garbage bags are returned to Parks;
- for notifying Parks if the group is unable to complete the clean-up on the agreed upon date, or if the group is unable to complete the clean-up before June 30; and
- for completing and submitting the Authorization for Payment Form and the Vendor Application and Direct Deposit Authorization Form (EFT) (for new groups).
- Supplies can be picked up at Parks during office hours Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to p.m. Our office is in the Frank Slim Building at Shipyards Park.
- Any clean-up completed without an approved grant application or invoice will not be paid.
- The deadline for submission to the program is March 15. Late applications will be accepted until all areas have been assigned.