Business Licence

What is a business license?

A business license is a legal document that allows a business or organization to operate within a specific area of the city. It is required to protect customers from illegal businesses, ensure that businesses comply with regulations, and provide the City with data on business activities. The fee, which is paid to local government, helps fun services and infrastructure and indirectly supports job creation and retention.

Who requires a business license?

– Persons conducting any kind of endeavour for profit or gain within the City of Whitehorse require a business license. This includes non-profit organizations who charge for a service or sell goods, and seasonal operations. All storefront businesses, non-local businesses, street vendors and home-based businesses that operate in Whitehorse require a business license.

– Temporary fundraising activities, registered charitable organizations, property management involving three or fewer rental units, and garage sales are exempt from requiring a business license. Non-profit organizations that do not conduct business activities are also exempt from the license.

What is a development permit?

– A Development Permit authorizes development on land in the City of Whitehorse. ‘Development’ means any new use, change of use, or change of intensity of use on any land within the City. A Development Permit affirms that the proposed development conforms to the applicable regulations of the Zoning Bylaw. This includes ensuring that the proposed use is permitted in the zone in which the site is located. Development Permits are typically required prior to issuance of a Building Permit.

– Home-based development permits allow businesses to operate from a residential home. The addition of commercial use, in a residential location, will require a home-based development permit. All home-based businesses (minor or major) must comply with the regulations stated in Sections 6.8 (major), 6.9 (minor) and 6.10 of the Zoning Bylaw.

In order to apply for a business license, you must have:

– A completed Business License Application Form.
For more information:
Business License Information Brochure
Business License Bylaw

– A completed Development Permit Application or a Home-Based Business Development Permit Application (if you are operating your business from home)

– A certificate of trade name from Yukon Government Corporate Affairs (if you are naming the business anything other than your own name)

– Approval from Yukon Workers’ Safety & Compensation Board (if you have employees or if the business is incorporated)

– Approval from Environmental Health Services (if your businesses relates to food service or personal experience)

– Proof of liability insurance (if you are operating on public property)

– Any other information required by the Business License Bylaw

Applications can be printed, obtained at the Land and Building Services office located at the Calcite Business Centre, Unit #6 – 151 Industrial Road.

Pay for a Business License online

Business license renewal payments can be mailed to the City of Whitehorse, 2121 – 2nd. Avenue, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A IC2

Standard Fees
Standard business license (12 months) $176
Additional Fees
Door-to-door sales – Non-resident

Door-to-door sales – Resident



Liquor licensed premises of 70 m2 $2.32 per m2
Accommodation over 5 rooms $8.71 per room
Mobile home park over 5 spaces $8.71 per space
Retail sales/Wholesale outlets over 220 m2 $0.73 per m2
Outdoor storage $110
Retail Cannabis Business $2200
Name change/Address change $29.04
Late renewal 10% late penalty of the base fee if paid within 30 days following the expiry date; or

$55 reactivation fee if paid after 30 days following the expiry date (10% accural, if this amount is greater)

Re-application $55 reactivation fee if paid after 30 days following the expiry date (10% accural, if this amount is greater)

Economic Development
4061 4th Avenue
Whitehorse, YT

Land & Building Services
6 – 151 Industrial Road
Whitehorse, YT

Yukon Government Corporate Affairs
307 Black Street
Whitehorse, YT

Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health & Safety Board
401 Strickland Street
Whitehorse, YT

Yukon Government Environmental Health
2 Hospital Road
Whitehorse, YT