Housing Development Incentives

The City’s Housing Development Incentives Policy is intended to encourage development of rental and supportive housing and projects undertaken by non-profit and non-governmental organizations, as well as replacement of dilapidated housing stock though out the city. Financial incentives include a reduction in Development Cost Charges (DCCs), annual grants, development fee grants, and tipping fee grants.

Incentives offered by the City of Whitehorse include:

Reduction of Development Cost Charges (to $0) for the development of either a living or garden suite, and a grant equal to $5,000 per suite or equal to the value of the Development Fees, whichever is less, up to a maximum of $5,000 per suite and $10,000 per property.  For more information, see:

A grant equal to $5,000 per dwelling unit or equal to the value of the Development Fees and DCCs, whichever is less, up to a maximum of $20,000 per property.

  • Available for any Non-Profit Agency or Non-Governmental Organization that develops an Eligible Missing Middle Housing unit(s).
  • $100,000 in total funding, available on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted or January 1, 2027, whichever comes first.

Financial incentives are offered for housing projects undertaken by non-profit and/or non-governmental organizations as follows:

  • DCC reduction (to $0)
  • grant equal to the cost of development fees (maximum of $60,000);

Reduction of DCCs (to $0) and a 10 year Unit Grant (total value of $60,000 annually) for development of one or both of the following:

  • a minimum of 4 rental housing units maintained for a minimum of 10 years;
  • a minimum of 4 supportive housing units that are owned/operated by a non-profit agency or non-government organization.

The total value of the incentive (DCC reduction + 10 year Unit Grant) may not exceed $500,000 total.

Non-profit and/or non-governmental organizations that develop purpose built rental or supportive housing (10 units or more) that requires further financial support are eligible for a cash grant to a maximum of $60,000.

A grant of 75% of tipping fees (sorted loads/no hazardous waste) if a building in city limits is demolished and new residential units are issued a building permit prior to Jan. 1, 2027.

General criteria for eligibility:

  • Only developments located within the Urban Containment Boundary (see Map 5 of the Official Community Plan) are eligible for an incentive;
  • All grants are subject to the City Grant-Making Policy;
  • Housing units may not be subdivided through a condominium plan;
  • Applications will be processed once an application for Development Permit has been received;
  • All applications are subject to approval through Council and the City’s annual Operation and Maintenance Budget.

Note that this overview is for reference only. Applicants should review the City’s Housing Development Incentives Policy in full prior to making an application.

Download a Housing Development Incentive application form (Form 5A) and apply today!

