Land Use Master Plans

A Master Plan is a high-level planning document that directs how to develop an area. Master Plans are critical to achieving the City’s long-term growth strategy as outlined in the Official Community Plan. The Master Plan process aims to integrate community values at a local scale.

Private or public landowners prepare Master Plans to be approved by the City. They provide regulatory requirements for the development of an area such as:

  • overarching framework for proceeding with future zoning amendment;
  • subdivision;
  • detailed engineering design;
  • development permit; and more.

The Land Use Master Plan Policy requires a Master Plan for all development of parcels over 1.5 hectares in size, prior to zoning amendments and/or subdivision, whichever comes first.

A Master Plan Proposal will fall under one of the following tiers:

Tier One

1.    Planning Area is located within the urban containment boundary, is less than five (5) hectares, and Granular Resource Extraction is not proposed; or

2.    Planning Area is located outside of the urban containment boundary, is less than twenty (20) hectares and Granular Resource Extraction is not proposed.

Tier Two

1.    Planning Area is located within the urban containment boundary, is less than five hectares, and Granular Resource Extraction is proposed;

2.    Planning Area is located within the urban containment boundary and is between five and 10 hectares;

3.    Planning Area is located outside the urban containment boundary, is less than 20 hectares, and Granular Resource Extraction is proposed; or

4.    Planning Area is located outside of the urban containment boundary and is between 20 hectares and 80 hectares.

Tier Three

1.    Planning Area is located within the urban containment boundary and is more than 10 hectares; or

2.    Planning Area is located outside of the urban containment boundary and is more than 80 hectares.

Public Engagement
The preparation of Tier One Master Plans must include at least an Initial Engagement conducted at the launch of the project. The preparation of Tier Two and Three Master Plans must include all of the following types of public engagement:

1.    Initial Engagement – conducted at the launch of the project;

2.    Concept Engagement – conducted after drafting the land use concept(s); and

3.    Plan Engagement – conducted after drafting the Master Plan.

The Master Planning Process has six broad steps outlined below:

1. Pre-Project Proposal Meeting

The Applicant shall meet with Planning and Sustainability Services (PSS) to discuss the Project Proposal and Policy requirements. Reach out to PSS at [email protected].

2. Project Proposal Submission

An initial Project Proposal shall be submitted in writing to PSS using the application form provided by PSS and accompanied by the required information outlined on the Application Checklist.

PSS shall review for completeness within 10 working days of receiving a Project Proposal deemed complete. If deemed incomplete, PSS shall provide the Applicant with a list of items that need to be addressed. The Applicant shall have the opportunity to address the comments and resubmit the Project Proposal to PSS for review.

3. Development Review Committee (DRC)

Planning and Sustainability Services (PSS) shall present the Project Proposal to the DRC. A complete Project Proposal Submission must be provided three weeks prior to the DRC meeting. The DRC shall provide recommendations to PSS. This may include recommended changes to the Project Proposal. Following the DRC meeting, PSS shall provide the Applicant within five working days of the DRC meeting a list of items that need to be addressed, if any. The Applicant shall have the opportunity to address the comments and resubmit the Project Proposal to PSS for review.

4. Project Proposal Acceptance

Planning and Sustainability Services (PSS) shall review the revised Project Proposal for completeness within 10 working days of receiving a Project Proposal deemed complete. If deemed incomplete, PSS shall provide the Applicant with a list of items that need to be addressed. The Applicant shall have the opportunity to address the comments and resubmit the Project Proposal to PSS for review.

The Manager of PSS shall notify Council within 10 working days of an application being deemed complete that a Master Planning Process is being launched. The Applicant may be allowed to proceed with the Master Planning Process following Council notification.

Following Project Proposal acceptance, PSS shall form a Master Plan Review Group (MPRG). MPRC members shall represent the City for the purpose of engagement with the City. PSS shall be the main point of contact for the Applicant throughout the Master Planning Process. PSS shall communicate MPRC recommendations to the Applicant, and if necessary, request changes to the Master Plan throughout the Master Planning Process.

5. Master Plan Preparation

The Applicant shall undertake the preparation of the Master Plan in accordance with the applicable tier requirements. If Granular Resource Extraction is proposed, additional information will be required.

6. Master Plan Submission

Master Plans shall be submitted to Planning and Sustainability Services (PSS) for Director or Council Decision. PSS shall review for completeness within 20 working days. If deemed complete, PSS shall bring the Master Plan forward for Director or Council Decision as required for each tier.

The Manager of PSS shall notify Council within 10 working days of a Tier 2 or 3 Master Plan application being deemed complete that a Master Plan will be brought forward for Council consideration.

If deemed incomplete, PSS shall provide the Applicant with a list of items that need to be addressed. The Applicant shall have the opportunity to address the comments and resubmit the Master Plan to PSS for review.

Any new or substantially different information provided may require previous steps to be redone (e.g. public engagement, council presentation, etc).

Master Plans must include a Public Engagement Plan as part of the Project Proposal. That plan identifies the public engagement activities to be undertaken and how they will meet the below objectives. These are described further in Appendix B of the Policy:

1.    Value based
Engagement is focused on talking to people about what matters most to them and what matters most to the Applicant. It should include identifying participants and understanding any cultural, organizational, and/or subgroup values, interests, and lived experiences that might be represented.

2.    Goal driven
Engagement is driven by a clear purpose, intention and goals. It should include actively seeking the input, views, and perspectives of engagement participants and, in return, committing to do something with the input.

3.    Impact oriented
Engagement is oriented towards making decisions, having an impact, or implementing a change. It should include a clear understanding of the problem to be solved, the opportunity to be explored, or the decision to be made.

4.    Equity centered
Engagement is focused on ensuring more power sharing in decision making and that all people are intentionally included, feel welcome and valued. It should include a clear understanding of how the engagement process is equitably designed, who is reached, whose voices are heard, and how the engagement fosters a sense of safety, belonging and connection.

5.    Relationship focused
Engagement is focused on establishing a meaningful relationship with participants. It should include a commitment to be in conversation and to seek to understand participants as human

Tier One Master Plans are approved by both the Director of Development Services and the Director of Operations.

The authority to approve Tier Two and Three Master Plans resides with Council.

If denied, another proposal for the same or substantially the same Master Plan cannot be submitted within 12 months of the date of the refusal.

The requirement for the preparation of a Master Plan may be waived if it can be demonstrated there is minimal impact to municipal infrastructure, drainage, surrounding properties, or other considerations.

Requests for waivers will be assessed using the following criteria:

1.    Zoning amendment and/or subdivision does not require additions or upgrades to City infrastructure;

2.    Zoning amendment and/or subdivision does not require access and/or easements from surrounding properties;

3.    Zoning amendment will not result in new or additional uses (e.g. text amendment);

4.    Total zoning amendment, subdivision and/or Developable Area is less than 1.5 hectares;

5.    Zoning amendment and/or subdivision is required to formalize existing occupations as lots and/or leases or for the purpose of consolidating lots and/or leases; and

6.    Any additional criteria considered relevant by the City.

Master Plans not initiated within the required period must be updated or will expire and no longer be applicable.

Requests for updates will be assessed using the following criteria:

1.    Update does not result in a new or substantially different Master Plan;

2.    Update does not involve an increase of the Planning Area;

3.    Update is required to meet servicing requirements;

4.    Update results in an increase of public land uses; and

5.    Any additional criteria considered relevant by the City.

PSS will present the request for waiver or update to the Development Review Committee. The DRC will provide a recommendation to PSS and PSS will bring the Master Plan waiver or update request forward for a Director decision.

The waiver of the Master Plan requirement or an update of an existing Master Plan must be approved by both the Director of Development Services and the Director of Operations.

If denied, the requirements of this Policy will apply and another request for the same or substantially the same Master Plan waiver or update shall not be submitted within 12 months of the date of the refusal.

A complete application must include the items listed on the Application Checklist. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Master Plan: Application Checklist

Master Plan: Project Proposal Application

Master Plan: Waiver/Update Application


Proposed Master Plan Description Reports Attachments Status
Wasson Place
Master Plan
Advancing the Wasson Place Extension Master Plan for Council approval on the design concept for an extension of the Hillcrest Industrial Area.
Admin Report
Public Input Report
Location Map
What We Heard Report
Draft Master Plan
Approved on September 23, 2024
Ice Lake Road South (ILRS) Master Plan Advancing the Ice Lake Road South Master Plan for Council approval on the design concept for a new industrial/commercial subdivision. For more information visit
Admin Report
Public Input Report
Location Map
Draft Master Plan
Land Use Concept
Approved on September 23, 2024
Valleyview South Master Plan Advancing the Valleyview South Master Plan for Council approval on the design concept for a new neighbourhood. For more information visit
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Input Report
Valleyview South Draft Master Plan Report – Redline Edits
Valleyview South Draft Master Plan Report – Clean
Approved on May 27, 2024 (Council Resolution 2024-10-03)
Copper Ridge Development Area Master Plan Advancing the Copper Ridge Development Area Master Plan for Council approval of the residential development of Yukon Government (YG) Lots 518 and 519 and City of Whitehorse Lot 520.
For more information visit
Admin Report
Public Input Submissions
Public Input Report
Supplemental Information Report
Location Map
Final Master Plan Report
Final Land Use Concept
What We Heard Report
Supporting Studies: Heritage Resource Impact Assessment, Municipal Servicing, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Geotechnical Assessment
Approved on April 22, 2024 (Council Resolution 2024-08-09)