• How do I view tenders and RFPs?

    Click here to view current tenders and RFPs!

  • Why does the City do electronic bidding?

    The City has been reviewing procurement process and looking at ways to streamline and modernize it. This includes our process for publishing and handling the paperwork associated with requests for documents (RFX). We are now using an online system called Bonfire.

    Q: What are the benefits?

    A: An RFX can be an expensive thing, even in printing costs alone. There’s also the associated cost of managing and tracking all those documents. Bonfire posts all of the documents electronically, and allows for electronic tracking of the RFX documents, addendums and submissions as well as issues award notifications. This is more efficient and it is a good way to make sure everyone gets the information they need.

    Q: How much does it cost?

    A: There are no registration fees associated with the city’s Bonfire Hub.

    Q: Where can I get more information?

    A: For more information, please email procurement@whitehorse.ca.