COVID-19 Waste Handling

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Whitehorse is making temporary changes to our Waste Services to ensure the safety of staff and the public. Check this website often to see the latest updates on how to handle your residual waste, organics, and recyclables during this public health emergency.

Temporary Waste Handling Measures

Recycling has resumed at Raven Recycling and P&M Recycling.

The Whitehorse Waste Management Facility is currently collecting cardboard for recycling.

Please refrain from using cash at the WMF. We accept debit or credit cards as well as use of existing accounts.

Please avoid bringing small loads of extra waste to the WMF as the City is striving to limit the number of public visits to minimize COVID-19 exposure risk.

Bagged compost is available, but bulk compost is not yet available.

No changes to your Green Cart or Green Bin collection.

If you, or someone you are caring for are sick, please double bag used tissues, wipes, paper towels, napkins, cleaning cloths, face masks and gloves.

NOTE: Physical distancing measures will be enforced throughout the event and may cause delays. Thank you for your patience!

Please follow regular COVID-19 protocols when visiting the Waste Management Facility:

  • Physical distancing (2m / 6 ft) when possible
  • Frequent cleaning of surfaces and items
  • Properly executed hand hygiene
  • Properly executed sneezing and coughing techniques