Sustainability Plan
The City of Whitehorse’s Sustainability Plan is embodied through 12 goals that describe what the community wants to achieve in the long term. It includes specific strategies that support ambitious but achievable targets for 2020, 2030, and 2050. Read more below, download the full Sustainability Plan (PDF), the summary infographic, and the Ideas for Action.
Read the 2018 Monitoring Report.
Identify community and environmental values
• Engage the community in a conversation about sustainability
• Harmonize and integrate discrete City and community projects and initiatives
• Define a path for the future
We aim to capture both the practical knowledge and visionary ideas of employees and residents.
All citizens have a role to play in moving towards our goals and targets, and the City has a special responsibility in helping us make choices towards sustainability. Do you have an idea that fosters sustainability in our community. Consider applying to the Environmental Grant.
For more information about how you and your organization can be involved, please email or call 867-687-1478. We’re here to help!
The City of Whitehorse has had an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan since 2007, guiding infrastructure investment, as required under the 2005-2015 Gas Tax Agreement.
As a follow-up to the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, the City developed a Strategic Sustainability Plan in 2008, which engaged the community on values and issues beyond infrastructure. The Strategic Sustainability Plan was integrated into the 2010 Official Community Plan, and many specific actions were implemented.
The current Sustainability Plan, updated in 2015, is intended to reflect aspirations for the entire city and community, while providing the basis for future actions that can be realistically accomplished by the City. The Sustainability Plan forms a stronger basis for decision-making, operational improvements, and partnership-building.
Click here to view the Sustainability Plan
- The City of Whitehorse endorses the Kyoto Protocol
- The Official Community Plan (OCP) emphasizes sustainability
- The City develops a Local Action Plan (LAP) to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions as part of the Partners for Climate Protection Program
- Whitehorse Moves Transportation Showcase results in infrastructure improvements
- Award-winning Whistle Bend Sustainable Neighbourhood Design charrette
- Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for gas tax funding is written
- The Whitehorse Strategic Sustainability Plan is adopted by City Council
- Feasibility study of district heating system in Whistle Bend
- Comprehensive Zoning for Takhini North, Stan McCowan, Ingram and Whistle Bend is developed
- The City moves collection of organics and waste to a standardized cart system
- Begin development of a Climate Change Adaptation Plan with local partners
- Amendments to Building and Plumbing Bylaw make Whitehorse the most progressive jurisdiction in energy efficiency requirements
- 2010 Official Community Plan is based on the Strategic Sustainability Plan
- The City’s Transit fleet becomes 100% accessible
- Sustainability 2010 Bi-annual Report
- City completes the Partners for Climate Protection Program with the completion of Milestone 5
- Sustainability 2012 Bi-Annual Report (full version) / (summary)
- Transportation Demand Management Plan adopted
- Robert Campbell Bridge improvements for cyclists and pedestrians
- Solid Waste Action Plan implementation begins, resulting in new requirements and services for waste diversion
- Whitehorse Sustainability Plan update is adopted
- Read about how the City of Whitehorse progressed its sustainability targets in the 2016 Whitehorse Sustainability Plan Monitoring Report
- Read about how the City of Whitehorse progressed its sustainability targets in the 2018 Whitehorse Sustainability Plan Monitoring Report
Ideas for Action
The Appendix to the plan contains ideas for action by the City of Whitehorse that will help move the community towards its goals and targets.
The following actions were identified through public engagement, and focused conversation with City staff. Actions range from visionary to routine, immediate to long term.
Not all the actions listed can be accomplished in the timeframe of this plan. The process of budgeting and work plan development will help prioritize among the many ideas presented here.
Download Ideas for Action in pdf format.