The City’s contractor, Norcope Enterprises, is preparing to switch to Phase 2 of their work on Range Road in order to finish the Takhini Sanitary Trunk Main project.
The work is happening in phases to limit the impacts on road users.
Phase 1: Is nearing completion. Up until 8 a.m. on Sat. June 15, access to University Drive will continue to be available via Two Mile Hill Road only.
Phase 2: Starting Sat. June 15, after Phase 1 is finished, access to University Drive will switch to be available via Mountain View Drive until completion. Phase 2 is estimated to take 3 weeks, after which through traffic between Two Mile Hill Road and Mountain View Drive will resume to normal.
Throughout the project, access to Takhini Elementary School will be only available via Two Mile Hill Road.
Transit services in the area will also be rerouted and transit riders should plan accordingly. Routes 5 and 402 will be impacted and transit users in Whistle Bend are asked to take Route 401 to Yukon University throughout both phases.
Updated schedules are at
A dedicated pedestrian and cyclist path is being provided in the boulevard on the west side of Range Road to allow pedestrian and cyclist access between University Drive and Mountain View Drive.
We appreciate the public’s patience and understanding as we complete this important project.
For more information, please contact the City’s Engineering Services department at 668-8305.
For Transit inquiries, please call Transit Services at 668-8396 or visit