Established as the Yukon’s capital city in 1953, the City of Whitehorse is home to some of the most spectacular scenery, talented artists and innovative businesses in Canada.
Situated along the Yukon River on the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, over 33,000 call Whitehorse home. The City enjoys a healthy economy thanks to a strong business community, which was recognized when Whitehorse was named the top city for entrepreneurs in 2018 by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. The City also enjoys a successful working relationship with the areas First Nations and the territorial government.
Environmental sustainability and responsibility has become a key priority for the City. Access to nature remains a top value for residents who can enjoy recreation activities year-round, a vibrant art scene and a multitude of cultures as people from all over the world have decided to settle north of 60.
There is a reason why Whitehorse has seen a steady growth in population; it’s because it truly is a wonderful place to live, work and play.
For more information on visiting Whitehorse, please visit our partners at the Whitehorse Visitor Information Centre where you can pick up your free 3 day Parking Pass! The Whitehorse Visitor Information Centre is located at 100 Hanson Street, Whitehorse, YT.
Interested in hosting a sport event in Whitehorse? Please visit Sport Yukon.
Interested in hosting a conference in Whitehorse? Please visit the Yukon Convention Bureau
Parks and Attractions
Did you know that the City has approximately 33.9 kilometres of trails per 1,000 residents? The Canadian average is 0.9 km per 1,000 residents!

Parking Meter Violations for Non-Yukon Licence Plates
Visitors are reminded that they can obtain a free 3 day Parking Pass from the Whitehorse Visitor Information Centre. This allows visitors to park at Whitehorse parking meters for free.
A visit to the Information Centre will also allow visitors to easily find, in one place, the many things that Whitehorse and the Yukon have to offer. Trained staff are on duty to help answer a variety of questions.

Vehicles bearing non-Yukon licence plates are subject to the same parking regulations as Yukon residents pursuant to the City of Whitehorse Traffic Bylaw.
Parking meter and traffic enforcement within the Central Business District provides Yukon residents and visitors consistent opportunities to park on city streets as a result of continual turnover of parking availability for incoming motorists.