The City of Whitehorse is developing a permanent bus lane along Lewes Boulevard in the Riverdale neigbourhood. The bus lane is proposed along Lewes Boulevard in the Northbound direction between Alsek Road (North) and the Robert Campbell Bridge. The addition of a bus lane is anticipated to result in changes along Lewes Boulevard and particularly at the Lewes Boulevard and Hospital Road intersection. In addition to the development of a bus lane, the City will combine enhancement of active transportation facilities with this project.
The proposed changes include but are not limited to:
- Traffic
- Addition of transit priority lane.
- Traffic signal timing modifications.
- Replacement of right turn channels with standard intersection corner.
- Removal of Northbound painted bicycle lanes and improvements to East multi-use pathway.
- Road safety
- Road safety improvements for all road users including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, drivers, goods movement, and emergency response.
- Multi-use pathway improvements to mitigate road safety conflicts between turning vehicles and active transportation users.
- Curb radii reduction
- Removal of right turn channels
- Traffic signal timing improvements to mitigate road safety conflicts between turning vehicles and active transportation users.
- Consideration to change protected-permissive signal phasing to protected-only signal phasing.
The proposed works include but are not limited to:
- Utility relocation
- Surface works: asphalt, concrete
- Pavement markings
- Signage
- Landscaping
- Traffic signals
- Traffic signal timing