Schwatka Lake Area Plan
On March 9, 2015, City Council adopted the Schwatka Lake Area Plan (SLAP) as a guiding document for aviation, recreation, conservation, and other land uses and activities on the west shore of Schwatka Lake. The SLAP provides 37 recommendations for infrastructure and management improvements that were developed through an extensive public engagement process. A Working Group has been organized to help oversee implementation and to discuss emerging topics that affect the lake area.
- Float Plane Base Overview (Power Point from April 26, 2019 info meeting at the Gold Rush Inn)
- Float Plane Base – information for itinerant pilots
- Dock Policy and Permits – information for local pilots
- Yukon River Loop Trail Brochure
- Enjoying Whitehorse Trails: A guide to the Yukon River Trails
- Yukon River Trail Marathon Map
- Robert Service Way Area Plan