Large Appliance Waste Large appliances, often called white goods, range from refrigerators, microwaves, cook stoves, air conditioners, and more. The Whitehorse Waste Management Facility requires users […]
Asbestos Waste Asbestos is found in a magnitude of materials, especially in buildings built prior to 1990. Asbestos was used as insulation, a fire retardant, and […]
Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste Starting a project from scratch, renovating or tearing down an old building? Did you check for asbestos? C&D waste needs to be […]
Metal Waste 8% of what Whitehorse landfills is metals and yet, metals are highly recyclable. Metals must be separated from regular waste and loads mixed with metals […]
Bulky Items Bulky items: those large, heavy, awkward to move, well-loved objects that sometimes overstay their welcome. But did you know that they must be separated from […]
Electronic and Electrical Waste (E-Waste) Electronic and electrical products are accepted, free of charge, at the Raven Recycling E-waste Collection Depot. Most e-waste is not accepted at […]
The next Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Day is: Saturday, September 9, 2023: 10 am to 5 pm Whitehorse Waste Management Facility Most households and businesses have […]