8% of what Whitehorse landfills is metals and yet, metals are highly recyclable. Metals must be separated from regular waste and loads mixed with metals are subject to unsorted load fees.
Large Metal Waste Materials And Services
Filing cabinets, Hot water tanks, Metal roofing, Metal fencing, Metal furniture, Wire, Propane tanks (with valves removed), Purged fuel tanks cut in half, Cleaned and purged barrels with lids removed, Sheet iron, Vehicle parts with all fluids removed
Must be separated from regular waste. When mixed with regular waste, could trigger unsorted waste charges at the Waste Management Facility.
Drop off at the Waste Management Facility (tipping fees apply). Raven Recycling buys non-ferrous metals; contact [email protected] for more information. Non-ferrous metals can be dropped off at Sale’ Salvage, call 867-668-7450 for details. Integra Tire accepts empty and outdated BBQ propane tanks; a refill service is also available.
Good To Know
Separate metals taken to the Waste Management Facility are recycled.